
The Church Council has general oversight of the life and activities of St John’s. Here are the 2024 council members:

  • Jonathan Deibler – Pastor
  • Mark Wyman – President
  • Jennifer White – Vice-President
  • Gary Boisseau – Secretary
  • Wayne Young – Treasurer
  • Peter Gregory – Financial Secretary (appointed)
  • Greta Crowell
  • Mary Zuege
  • Linda Flood
  • Elizabeth Young
  • John Cipollina
  • Nicholas Stewart

St. John’s Committees

Nearly every activity of our church is handled through one of the committees. The following list is an overview of the committee structure of the church and the chairperson of each committee. Scroll down below the list to find a description or contribution from many of the committees.

Worship and Music – Beth Schroeder, Chairperson; Greta Crowell, Council Liaison

Stewardship and Finance – Peter Gregory; Financial Secretary, Gary Boisseau, Council Liason
Education – Jen White, Chairperson; Elizabeth Young, Council Liaison
Youth Group – events planned by multiple individuals; Jennifer White, Council Liaison

Community Outreach – Burdie Gillern, Chairperson; Linda Flood, Council Liaison
Property – Tom Urbanic, Chairperson; John Cipollina, Council Liaisons
Family Promise – Mary Zuege, Council Liaison

Fellowship Committee – Karen Spawton, Chairperson; Nicholas Stewart, Council Liaison

Church Management and Constitutional Obligations

  • Church Council
  • Executive Committee (Members are the officers of the congregation)
  • Nominating Committee
  • Audit Committee
  • Mutual Ministry

Christian Education Committee
St. John’s Christian education strives to deepen the faith of all ages.

We have Sunday School classes for all ages from nursery to adult. Children up to seventh grade participate in a rotational Sunday School program. With this program the children rotate between two or three stations; each with its own activity. Stations may involve crafts, singing, lessons, games, skits, etc. Seventh and eighth graders attend Confirmation class. Senior high and adult classes use a variety of materials and formats.

Several times throughout the year we run special informal evening courses for additional adult spiritual growth.

Contact Wendy Sackett, committee chair, for more information about any of these courses or our educational offerings

Community Outreach Committee
The Community Outreach Committee focuses upon social ministries at both the local and global levels. Burdie Gillern currently chairs this committee. It meets on an as needed basis to plan activities, including but not limited to the following:

  •  Lenten Box collection for World Hunger
  •  Thanksgiving Baskets
  •  Giving Tree – we provide Christmas gifts for the less fortunate families in our area through the local school districts
  •  Victor Day of Giving – our church is a designated distribution site for Christmas food baskets.  The members of St. John’s are on hand t to help distribute the food.
  •  Christmas gifts are given to members of our congregation who are unable to attend church and/or have ongoing health concerns.  Committee members also reach out to these members throughout the year
  •  Mitten Tree
  •  Food for the Victor-Farmington Food Cupboard

Please remember the committee’s ongoing collections for local organizations, including the Victor-Farmington Food Cupboard.

This committee sets up the receptions and provides beverages, cookies, etc., for memorial services held at our church.

“Souper” Bowl Sunday donations go to World Hunger.

Maggie’s Kids Camp (Community Lutheran Ministry on Joseph Ave.) – the Outreach committee provides breakfast, lunch, and snacks for the campers on one day of the camp when the kids come to Victor.

This committee also takes care of the Prayer Chain. Please contact Pastor Jon for more information.

If you have any questions about the committee’s activities or would like to know the next meeting time, please contact Burdie Gillern.

Mutual Ministry Committee
The Committee’s main purpose is to promote better understanding between the members of the congregation, the Pastor and the congregation, congregation and staff, Pastor and staff, and overall serve the pastor. Statements made to the members of the committee are held in strictest confidence.

The committee is responsible for organizing and reviewing a performance evaluation for the Pastor and all staff at least once a year, usually in the autumn, and making recommendations for salaries.
Committee members serve a term of two years, with three being appointed every year by the Council President, the Pastor, and a representative of the committee. Committee members hold no other office nor chair any committee in the congregation during their term.